
My Green Toddler brings you information and ideas on living a sustainable lifestyle while juggling family life. 


Parenting and living sustainably each present their own challenges and sometimes are not compatible (has anyone tried visiting a bulk food store with toddlers?!) but having children provides such a wonderful opportunity to better the world.


As parents, we have a huge influence over our children’s ideas and opinions. We can raise them to be eco warriors from the get go, leading by example and raising their awareness of important issues in an age appropriate way.


We can teach our children good habits from an early age and ensure the future of our children starts at home. Together as families, we can be the change that we wish to see.


This blog has been hugely inspired by the following quote and I cannot rewrite it any better.


“You can argue all day about whether one person not using straws or going vegan makes a global difference. The point is the mind set. We need to change our thinking from this idea that the earth is a bottomless pit of resources and start acting like what we do matters. Changing the philosophy of cultures and societies starts with individuals changing their own hearts and minds. That’s the importance of grassroots action. It’s not that my compositing will empty landfills of food waste but my changed mind and heart may influence others, and that could spread and change the world.” – Olga Evans

Thank you for visiting my blog and I look forward to helping you raise your own green toddlers.

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